Saturday, 20 November 2010

Smells like X-mas!

The society's general idea that women can't be given the credit card, otherwise the money would run out in a few minutes isn't totally correct, or complete. Indeed, there is an exception to the main rule: Joao!

In my sweet innocence, I let Joao on his own to IKEA to buy a desk to our new room in Clapham. Imagine the result...Yep! Not only he brought the desk but several other stuff, as candles, lamps,...and a X-mas tree!! Well, not everything is lost! We are really lucky that IKEA has really great prices. So, the final result is a totally new look and for a bargain :-)


Sara Rodi said...

Estou a ver que o JoĆ£ozinho mudou muito desde os tempos da lata de atum... e ainda bem!
Um grande beijinho aos dois!

Mustrengo said...

Ahahah do q tu te foste lembrar! Tambem se aprende onde poupar... ;)