Wednesday, 1 February 2012

El Classico in London

As a Portuguese football fan I love to watch classic football matches that are nowadays nothing more than a Portugal vs Spain. From one side Mourinho and Ronaldo our best football references in the world after Eusebio and on the other side two of the best football references from Spanish speaking, Guardiola and Messi. Nobody can stay indifferent to this matches and I like to watch them properly. In a great space, good atmosphere and with both sides watching. So I've been organising sports nights in some pubs and more recently in a bar with an amazing wide screen that they use to movie screenings. I invite also spanish friends because it brings competition to the audience!!!
Spain is still one top but we will see at the end...

big screen with HD quality

Adrian and Keith, my Goense mate

Keith Adrian and John

Me with Keith Ib and Victor from Barcelona

Fair Play! Taking a picture with Victor's jersey

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