Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Our first away Xmas!!!! Cracker!!!!

And so it was, a Portuguese Xmas. Full of Portuguese around and with Bacalhau!!!! :D
It was a nice cosy event, with good hearted people and full of xmas spirit.

In the UK there is the Xmas tradition of using crackers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_cracker) and inside beside a fortune teller there is a paper crown. That's what we can see in the pictures wearing.

It is also possible to see that Xmas was spiced with Capirinha spirit!!!! (me barganing a Boston Shaker in the Kitchen)

Xmas toast with the Boss

Manel showing some doubtful skills! 

Queen Sarah

So we had a Druid! 

Kids playing with gifts! Noddy House!!! 

Too many Caipirinhas! 

How much for this Shaker??? 

Humm more food!!!! 

Celso Clan!! 

Next day recovery...

1 comment:

any said...

Aí está um Natal que jamais poderá ser esquecido... Um bom ano, com muitas experiências que vos enriqueçam o coração.