Saturday, 4 December 2010

Squeeze Me Please!!!!

The snow is amazing!!! But the consequences and disruptions are complicated to bare!!!
A normal day I'm ate 7.30 in metro station and when the train comes I have to squeeze myself inside! I've developed same skills now:
1- You put your feet inside and push people around
2- People tend to adjust a little, then you start to mingle between them
3- wait for the noise of doors closing and you incline the head inside
4-the doors are closing so use the smack of the door to go deeper inside
5- be careful with trapped clothes in the door

That's it. After this instructions you can go and use the metro at traffic hours.

But what happened with the snow yesterday is that even with this skills I have for squeezing in inside metros I tried from 7.30 on 11!!!!! of them! Yes, 11!! And I could not squeeze in!

The rule is that if the door hits half of your body (if your ass is outside basically) then you should jump out!!

A 15 min trip was transformed in one amazing squeezing hour!! :D

Here you have some pics of what is like...first one you can see the black guy breaking the rule if the door starts to close. Others just have the heads out so they are ok. Second picture is a view from behind after a very well done squeeze process. I wouldn't do better. Last picture is how much the London tube still has to develop to achieve the best squeezers in the world, the Taiwanese metro.


SmartinS said...

At least people can't complain about cold temperatures!!!... :P

Xarinha said...

That's the reason why people like to be squeezed, to feel the human!!