Monday, 6 December 2010

Snow Friends

This last week our friends Tiago, Joana and Rui came to London to see two great concerts: The National and Arcade Fire. ( not to visit us of course!!! ;)) We were also at the National concert as Sara already posted and it was a magnificent concert.

Enjoying the opportunity of their stay, Gabriela who is a old mate from the time I worked in Coelima gathered all of us at her house. She lives with her recent English husband future father of their 8 months baby.

It was nice to meet Nick and also to see again an old chap from my time of crazy IRC, Tiago Mota aka TM. Yes that time were we did not sleep just to be chatting around with people around the world.

A very cosy dinner.

The family portrait, from left to right: Tiago Mota, Tiago Vieira, Rui, Joana, I, Nick, Gabriela and Sara

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