Thursday, 23 December 2010

NHS 15 SNS 0

Has I said in a previous post, I'm working in the Hospital in this first phase with a team of two guys, one from Serra Leoa (Bobson) and a Jamaican (Clifford).
Well Bobson is used to arrive late, to leave before the hour and uses all the tricks available in the public sector. He is what I call, a Public Professional. Last week he called me he was not feeling very well and could not work, (a 5 year old kid would make a better sick voice than that) I was shocked when I was told that a public sector worker can call sick and stay at home to a maximum of 5 days, three times a year with full pay. Yes, full pay. So any NHS worker can have 3 times a year full weeks without having to prove anything. They don't need any medical evidence. Forget SNS, NHS is the real public heaven. Today he said e felt a pain when holding a box, so he went the rest of the day to the emergency of the hospital. Poor guy...
Clifford on the other hand is more keen to work, even though he gets confused with any changes in the work. But, and there is allways a but, today he was suspended because there is an accusation of theft (seen also in the cameras) in the hospital. No it was not my iPhone but police is involved.
Question: what can I do with a team like this????

PS- to make even a better day I got stuck inside a lift today. The stupidity of the situation was that the lift was working. What happened was that I had some cages (to take the products to the wards) and a guy with other cages entered the lift. There were so many cages that the doors closed and we could not reach the buttons. Unfortunately was a service lift so we had to wait 15 minutes for someone to call the lift....


Unknown said...

Let's hope your team mates don't find this blog...

Merry christmas to you... and xarita!

Mustrengo said...

No problem if they do, it's everything true. And I even saw the camera images, he stole a laptop.
it looks like I'm not going to see him again.
Thanks Toze and Merry Xmas to you too.